
Waterloo Online Services

The City of Waterloo's Online Services allows users to access permit information. Registered users can log on to view, apply and pay for permits, licenses, complaints, request for building inspections or order Tax and Water Certificates.

Login - Registered users

Login to apply for a business licence, dog licence, rental housing licence, submit a complaint or order Tax and Water Certificates.

New User - Register here

Complete the registration form and start using our online service.

Non-Registered Users:

You can search if a property is licensed or has a permit (excluding building permits) by using the Public Query Function.

Need further information?
Licensing & By-law Approvals
Municipal Enforcement (Rental, Business, Dogs, Signs, Complaints)

Phone: (519) 747-8785
Email: municipalenforcement@waterloo.ca
Revenue Online Services
Revenue (Tax and Water Certificates)

Phone: (519) 747-8718
Email: tax_watercertificate@waterloo.ca
City Utilities Online Services
Stormwater Fee Credit

Phone: (519) 886-2310 ext. 30242
Email: stormwater_accounts@waterloo.ca
Applying for a Building Permit?
Visit our Building Permit Portal

Phone: (519) 747-8712
Email: building@waterloo.ca